The Rescue
Catching a glimpse
of a boy all alone
in the jungle,
Tarzan tracks him
from the trees high above,
branch to branch,
vine to vine,
confirming the youth
appears lost,
shorts, safari shirt, and hat
all in good condition,
but he’s growing frantic,
searching side to side,
totally unaware
he is between
a lioness twenty yards away
and her cubs.
Tarzan swoops down
as she lets out a fierce roar
and lunges for the desperate boy.
Tarzan tackles the lion,
catching it by surprise,
toppling its significant weight.
The boy stops and stares
as the two jungle beasts
face off against each other.
The lion rears up
on its hind feet,
slashing Tarzan’s chest and stomach
with her razor-sharp claws,
drawing first blood.
Tarzan could kill the animal,
with powerful thrusts of his knife,
but he fears for the newborn cubs.
After staggering and wrestling
the much heavier animal,
he frees himself from the lion’s clutches,
evading the powerful jaws of the savage cat,
breaks free,
grabs the boy,
runs to a nearby vine
and swings both to safety
above the ferocious and angry lion.
Tarzan’s blood and sweat
press into the boy’s fresh clothes
as both take deep calming breaths
in silence.
Tarzan is a trademark of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Voice Recording