My Love (as published in RFD)
As long as I’m on this Earth,
I want to be with you.
I’m so calm, and yet so excited
to be with the most
excruciatingly handsome boy.
I’m so lucky.
He loves me too.
Neither of us can believe it
or ever expected it.
It came upon one message
from a French boy
vacationing in Vacaville,
east of San Francisco,
a seed that slowly broke through
the desert floor
yearning for the sunny sky,
to be nourished.
I responded,
because how could I not?
The bud grew sturdier,
branching out in many directions,
forming perfect leaves of deepest green.
There’s an inevitability about this man.
My heart has been snagged,
his heart has been awakened.
If we make it together,
it will be the most beautiful,
a blossom so stunning,
vibrant pink and fragrant,
everlasting, and self-renewing.
He’s everything I want,
everything I need.
People will be shocked
by an older man and a twenty year old boy,
deserting us like we’re poison,
or our love can’t possibly be real,
but there’s one person
I will never desert.
There’s one person for me,
Laurent, my love,
youth from the French Republic.
Voice Recording
My Love (revised)
A seed achingly broke through
the radiant desert floor,
yearning for nourishing sunlight.
A message from Vacaville,
a French boy visiting America,
so handsome and young.
Drawn to his beauty,
I had to respond,
unexpected love starting to bloom.
To be together,
mutual love growing,
branching out in many directions.
The bud grew sturdier,
forming perfect leaves of deepest green
and a blossom pink and fragrant.
There’s an inevitability about this man.
My heart has been snagged,
his has been awakened.
People might doubt
that our love is real,
older and younger men entwined.
He’s everything I want,
everything I need,
one person I will never desert.
There’s one person for me,
Laurent, my love,
youth from the French Republic.
Voice Recording